Category Archives: Uncategorized


Hello all, hope you are well.  I want to update you on the racing situation this year.  The Highland Park races will not be happening.  Do not fret.  We are exploring other options.  The plan right now is to work on some trails over the summer and if all goes well and feels right, have a race in the early fall or perhaps next summer.  

More on this soon.


Is there anyone else who thinks a race to the top of Mt. Toby would be a good thing? I would like to organize it, but I would truly like to race it as well. So if someone could just go ahead and get that together, that would be great, thanx. In the meantime, I’ll just race Mike up it.

Thank you for racing

A big thank you to:

Chris Ethier- He’s got lots of insurance and truly knows how to decorate that first and last corner.  He also is very positive and has made chaos his friend, thusly, things have a habit of working out well when he is involved.

Michael Clapp- Irrepressible and ultra dependable.  Cutting down trees that were in your way, ensuring the classes stay on track at the corner, setting up and taking down the course.  Taking down the course is a buggy and lonely venture as everyone else is eating watermelon.

Rick Roy- He takes great photos and helps you stay on the course at the corner of more laps and finish.  Plus he is a commissioner on the recreation board so he knows recreation and can somehow make sure it happens.  As such, you not only have fun, but you recreate.  Not possible without Rick.

William Cluster- Once again making great things happen.  I’m not only talking about popsicles.  The man has an uncanny ability to make you think you thought up something smart when it may have well have been him all along.  Amazing talent.  The Force is strong with this one.

James Stevens- If he isn’t around, its not as much fun.  He makes me laugh 10, 15, probably like 323 times a night.

Ryan Sinclair- He holds down the fort at the shop so Chris can string up all that tape and what not.  Then he comes to the race and looks cool, knows stuff, does things and gets food.

Megan Healey- She made a whole human being last year.  That’s pretty amazing.  He’s cute too.  I’m so glad I married this girl for many reasons but in this case I especially appreciate her registration skills.  She brings a  level of organizational prowess I do not posses.  She is also killer on the binoculars, ensuring you are all accurately timed.

And it wouldn’t be a race without racers and people who love them.  The cheering was especially exuberant at the last race.  I loved it.

We had a lot of younger folks in the mild class this year and that is ridiculously awesome.  Parents racing with their children and children racing in general is the best part about this race.  I fear that some day kids will not even realize there are great things happening all around them because their eyes will be glued to a portable screen.  So kudos to all those who raced, because it isn’t the easiest way to have fun.  Like everything else in life, hard work is rewarding.

We will be racing next year as well.  I’ll keep you posted on the goings on. Think about subscribing to the blog, so you will be notified of new posts.

Thank you for racing.


That’s what the weather is, wondrous. We will be racing and enjoying hot dogs this evening. Splendid!

il pleut

Racing shall not occur this week. Join us next week. I will see about a potential rain date.


I see a large rainy front heading towards us. It’s over Albany now. I’m trying to convince it to catch a play at the Williamstown theatre festival. Or perhaps hang out in one of the hill towns at a quaint b&b. So far I can’t convince it of anything. Stay tuned for more info.

Results up soon

I have neglected the results they will be up Thursday by noon. Family matters.

Remind me to send that storm a thank you card for holding off until the race was over! Amazing timing.

Thanks for racing!


Weather like I remember weather. Seasonally appropriate, splendid, racing weather.

I liked it.

Thank you for racing.  It was hot.  I like popsicles.

Results are up.

It’s on

I’d write more, but someone has to set this thing up. Hope to see you soon!